Weld on Hinge Installation Instructions

How to Install Pin & Socket Weld-on Hinges

Have you ever wanted to know how to install a weld-on pin and socket hinge, to livestock equipment or any other gate on the farm, like the ones we sell in our online shop?

Fitting these hinges to a cattle crush, sheep yard gate or catttle yard gate is a very simple process if you follow these instructions.

hinge pins fitted

Diagram 1

1. Position and tack weld the pin part of the hinge onto the gate frame with one towards the bottom and one towards the top of the frame. Refer to Diagram 1.

There are two ways that the next step can be carried out which we will explain in the next couple of steps. The first way is to position the gate in the frame where it will be in it's installed position. This may require that you install temporary packers under the gate to hold it at the correct height an clamp some material such as flat bar, either side of the gate to secure it in position. In our opinion, this is the easiest and most accurate method.

hinges fitted correctly

Diagram 2

2. Slide the socket part of the hinges onto the pins and fully weld the hinges to the gate and the frame.

slam latch fitted correctly

Diagram 3

3. The second method is to install the pin part of the hinges and then measure the distance between the hinge pins, transfer that measurement to the gate and weld the socket part of the hinges to the gate. The gate must then be lifted onto the pins of the hinges.

If you don't want the gate to be able to be lifted off the pins, the top hinge can be installed up side down. This will work with either method of installation.

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